Helga Hlín Hákonardóttir

Helga Hlín Hákonardóttir

Born: 1972
Club: Stjarnan
Currently holds 12 records. Has set 58 records in the past.



Date Meet Club Place Cat Weight Snatch Clean and Jerk Total Sinclair
12-05-2024 Íslandsmeistaramót 2024 STJ 2 59 58,10 52,0 65,0 117,0 161,7
17-12-2023 Jólamót LSÍ 2023 STJ 2 59 59,00 56,0 67,0 123,0 168,3
19-08-2023 HM Masters 2023 ICE 4 59 58,22 55,0 67,0 122,0 168,4
12-05-2023 EM Masters 2023 ICE 1 59 58,10 51,0 70,0 121,0 167,3
18-03-2023 Íslandsmeistaramót 2023 STJ 2 59 58,45 58,0 68,0 126,0 173,5
02-12-2022 Heimsmeistaramót Öldunga 2022 ICE 2 59 58,50 55,0 70,0 125,0 172,0
10-09-2022 Haustmót LSÍ 2022 LFR 2 59 59,00 50,0 66,0 116,0 158,7
02-04-2022 Serie 2 2022 Borlänge II 2022 FAK 1 59 58,65 54,0 68,0 122,0 167,6
28-03-2022 2022 International Masters Online Virtual Weightlifting Family Championships 2022 ICE 1 59 59,00 57,0 70,0 127,0 173,8
15-10-2021 Evrópumeistaramót Masters 2021 ICE 2 59 57,70 48,0 65,0 113,0 156,9
27-05-2021 World Masters Weightlifting Championships 2021 ICE 1 59 57,90 54,0 71,0 125,0 173,2
20-12-2020 EM Masters 2020 ICE 1 59 57,65 52,0 60,0 112,0 155,6
14-12-2019 Jólamót LSÍ 2019 LFR 1 59 57,55 48,0 64,0 112,0 155,8

Results as graph

Records Currently Held

Class Age Category Discipline Mark Date Meet
59 kg Masters 35 Snatch 58,00 18-03-2023 Íslandsmeistaramót 2023
59 kg Masters 40 Snatch 58,00 18-03-2023 Íslandsmeistaramót 2023
59 kg Masters 45 Snatch 58,00 18-03-2023 Íslandsmeistaramót 2023
59 kg Masters 50 Snatch 58,00 18-03-2023 Íslandsmeistaramót 2023
59 kg Masters 50 Clean and Jerk 70,00 28-03-2022 2022 International Masters Online Virtual Weightlifting Family Championships 2022
59 kg Masters 35 Clean and Jerk 71,00 27-05-2021 World Masters Weightlifting Championships 2021
59 kg Masters 40 Clean and Jerk 71,00 27-05-2021 World Masters Weightlifting Championships 2021
59 kg Masters 45 Clean and Jerk 71,00 27-05-2021 World Masters Weightlifting Championships 2021
59 kg Masters 35 Total 127,00 28-03-2022 2022 International Masters Online Virtual Weightlifting Family Championships 2022
59 kg Masters 40 Total 127,00 28-03-2022 2022 International Masters Online Virtual Weightlifting Family Championships 2022
59 kg Masters 45 Total 127,00 28-03-2022 2022 International Masters Online Virtual Weightlifting Family Championships 2022
59 kg Masters 50 Total 127,00 28-03-2022 2022 International Masters Online Virtual Weightlifting Family Championships 2022

Personal Best

Discipline Mark Cat. Weight Meet Date
Snatch 58,00 kg 59 58,45 Íslandsmeistaramót 2023 18-03-2023
Clean and Jerk 71,00 kg 59 57,90 World Masters Weightlifting Championships 2021 27-05-2021
Total 127,00 kg 59 59,00 2022 International Masters Online Virtual Weightlifting Family Championships 2022 28-03-2022
Sinclair Points 173,77 59 59,00 2022 International Masters Online Virtual Weightlifting Family Championships 2022 28-03-2022
Created on: 27-07-2024 03:54:12