Irene Martinez Santiago

Irene Martinez Santiago

Born: 1993
Club: Spánn



Date Meet Club Place Cat Weight Snatch Clean and Jerk Total Sinclair
12-02-2024 Evrópumeistaramót EWF 2024 ESP 15 59 58,93 83,0 94,0 177,0 242,4
05-04-2021 Evrópumeistaramót (EWF) 2021 ESP 9 59 58,68 90,0 103,0 193,0 265,0
28-11-2017 Heimsmeistaramót (IWF) 2017 ESP 14 63 62,31 92,0 105,0 197,0 260,4
01-04-2017 Evrópumeistaramót (EWF) 2017 ESP 8 63 62,65 95,0 105,0 200,0 263,4
10-04-2016 Evrópumeistaramótið (EWF) 2016 ESP 9 63 62,59 90,0 104,0 194,0 255,7

Results as graph

Personal Best

Discipline Mark Cat. Weight Meet Date
Snatch 95,00 kg 63 62,65 Evrópumeistaramót (EWF) 2017 01-04-2017
Clean and Jerk 105,00 kg 63 62,65 Evrópumeistaramót (EWF) 2017 01-04-2017
Total 200,00 kg 63 62,65 Evrópumeistaramót (EWF) 2017 01-04-2017
Sinclair Points 264,53 59 58,68 Evrópumeistaramót (EWF) 2021 05-04-2021
Created on: 27-07-2024 03:51:39