Stefán Velemir

Stefán Velemir

Born: 1994
Club: FH
Has set 18 records in the past.



Date Meet Club Place Cat Weight Snatch Clean and Jerk Total Sinclair
24-01-2015 Reykjavik International Games 2015 FH 1 105 104,00 115,0 145,0 260,0 293,5
17-01-2015 Copenhagen Weightlifting Cup (CWC) 2015 FH 14 105+ 105,60 113,0 145,0 258,0 289,5
20-12-2014 Jólamót LSÍ 2014 FH 2 105 104,50 112,0 145,0 257,0 289,6
25-10-2014 Nordic Junior/Youth Championship 2014 ICE 1 105+ 105,60 110,0 140,0 250,0 280,6
30-08-2014 Íslandsmeistaramót Unglinga 2014 FH 1 105+ 105,50 111,0 128,0 239,0 268,3
05-07-2014 Sumarmót LSÍ 2014 FH 1 105 102,60 105,0 131,0 236,0 267,8

Results as graph

Personal Best

Discipline Mark Cat. Weight Meet Date
Snatch 115,00 kg 105 104,00 Reykjavik International Games 2015 24-01-2015
Clean and Jerk 145,00 kg 105 104,50 Jólamót LSÍ 2014 20-12-2014
Total 260,00 kg 105 104,00 Reykjavik International Games 2015 24-01-2015
Sinclair Points 293,50 105 104,00 Reykjavik International Games 2015 24-01-2015
Created on: 27-07-2024 03:03:37