Ásrún Arna  Kristmundsdóttir

Ásrún Arna Kristmundsdóttir

Born: 2002
Club: Iceland
Has set 13 records in the past.



Date Meet Club Place Cat Weight Snatch Clean and Jerk Total Sinclair
16-11-2019 Nordic Junior/Youth Championship (NTF) 2019 ICE 1 64 59,64 54,0 75,0 129,0 175,3
18-05-2019 Sumarmótið 2019 LFK 1 59 56,35 55,0 75,0 130,0 183,4
15-12-2018 Jólamót LSÍ 2018 LFK 3 59 55,55 47,0 70,0 117,0 166,7
08-09-2018 Íslandsmeistaramót Unglinga U17 og U20 2018 LFK 1 58 54,70 47,0 63,0 110,0 158,5
09-06-2018 Sumarmót LSÍ 2018 LFK 2 53 52,00 42,0 60,0 102,0 152,4
17-02-2018 Íslandsmeistaramót 2018 LFK 2 53 50,30 37,0 55,0 92,0 141,0
16-12-2017 Jólamót LSÍ 2017 LFK 1 48 46,80 35,0 50,0 85,0 137,9

Results as graph

Personal Best

Discipline Mark Cat. Weight Meet Date
Snatch 55,00 kg 59 56,35 Sumarmótið 2019 18-05-2019
Clean and Jerk 75,00 kg 59 56,35 Sumarmótið 2019 18-05-2019
Total 130,00 kg 59 56,35 Sumarmótið 2019 18-05-2019
Sinclair Points 183,44 59 56,35 Sumarmótið 2019 18-05-2019
Created on: 27-07-2024 07:07:38