Lili Szalai

Lili Szalai

Born: 2004
Club: Ungverjaland



Date Meet Club Place Cat Weight Snatch Clean and Jerk Total Sinclair
12-02-2024 Evrópumeistaramót EWF 2024 HUN 16 71 68,63 85,0 108,0 193,0 241,1
02-10-2021 Heimsmeistaramót Unglinga (IWF) 17 ára og yngri 2021 HUN 6 71 71,00 83,0 103,0 186,0 228,1
20-08-2021 Evrópumeistaramót 17 ára og yngri 2021 HUN 3 71 69,85 82,0 100,0 182,0 225,2

Results as graph

Personal Best

Discipline Mark Cat. Weight Meet Date
Snatch 85,00 kg 71 68,63 Evrópumeistaramót EWF 2024 12-02-2024
Clean and Jerk 108,00 kg 71 68,63 Evrópumeistaramót EWF 2024 12-02-2024
Total 193,00 kg 71 68,63 Evrópumeistaramót EWF 2024 12-02-2024
Sinclair Points 241,06 71 68,63 Evrópumeistaramót EWF 2024 12-02-2024
Created on: 27-07-2024 08:41:37