Jakob Daníel Magnússon

Jakob Daníel Magnússon

Born: 1988
Club: LFH
Has set 1 records in the past.



Date Meet Club Place Cat Weight Snatch Clean and Jerk Total Sinclair
29-01-2017 RIG 2017 LFH 1 94 87,20 122,0 140,0 262,0 319,9
28-08-2015 Nordic Championship (NTF) 2015 ICE 2 85 84,50 122,0 146,0 268,0 332,5
04-07-2015 Sumarmót 2015 LFH 1 85 84,50 120,0 140,0 260,0 322,6
02-05-2015 Íslandsmeistaramót 2015 LFH 3 94 86,75 130,0 145,0 275,0 336,7
24-01-2015 Reykjavik International Games 2015 LFH 3 85 84,50 115,0 140,0 255,0 316,4
05-07-2014 Sumarmót LSÍ 2014 ARM 2 85 83,05 117,0 130,0 247,0 309,3
10-11-2012 Expó Liðakeppni 2012 ARM 1 94 87,00 110,0 125,0 235,0 287,3
22-09-2012 Haustmót LSÍ 2012 ARM 2 94 85,80 102,0 120,0 222,0 273,3

Results as graph

Personal Best

Discipline Mark Cat. Weight Meet Date
Snatch 130,00 kg 94 86,75 Íslandsmeistaramót 2015 02-05-2015
Clean and Jerk 146,00 kg 85 84,50 Nordic Championship (NTF) 2015 28-08-2015
Total 275,00 kg 94 86,75 Íslandsmeistaramót 2015 02-05-2015
Sinclair Points 336,66 94 86,75 Íslandsmeistaramót 2015 02-05-2015
Created on: 27-07-2024 00:52:49