Goði Ómarsson

Goði Ómarsson

Born: 1991
Club: LFG



Date Meet Club Place Cat Weight Snatch Clean and Jerk Total Sinclair
19-02-2017 Íslandsmeistaramótið 2017 LFG 1 94 91,55 107,0 151,0 258,0 307,7
27-02-2016 Íslandsmeistaramót 2016 LFG 1 94 91,95 98,0 150,0 248,0 295,1
17-10-2015 Haustmót 2015 LFG 2 94 92,90 102,0 143,0 245,0 290,2
04-07-2015 Sumarmót 2015 LFG 1 94 92,30 100,0 140,0 240,0 285,1

Results as graph

Personal Best

Discipline Mark Cat. Weight Meet Date
Snatch 107,00 kg 94 91,55 Íslandsmeistaramótið 2017 19-02-2017
Clean and Jerk 151,00 kg 94 91,55 Íslandsmeistaramótið 2017 19-02-2017
Total 258,00 kg 94 91,55 Íslandsmeistaramótið 2017 19-02-2017
Sinclair Points 307,67 94 91,55 Íslandsmeistaramótið 2017 19-02-2017
Created on: 27-07-2024 03:48:17