Birna Blöndal Sveinsdóttir

Birna Blöndal Sveinsdóttir

Born: 1987
Club: KFA
Has set 14 records in the past.



Date Meet Club Place Cat Weight Snatch Clean and Jerk Total Sinclair
29-09-2018 Nordic Championship (NTF) 2018 ICE 2 53 52,90 66,0 84,0 150,0 221,3
29-01-2017 RIG 2017 KFA 1 53 52,55 66,0 80,0 146,0 216,5
17-12-2016 Jólamót 2016 KFA 1 53 52,80 65,0 75,0 140,0 206,9
17-10-2015 Haustmót 2015 KFA - 63 61,15 65,0 - - -

Results as graph

Personal Best

Discipline Mark Cat. Weight Meet Date
Snatch 66,00 kg 53 52,55 RIG 2017 29-01-2017
Clean and Jerk 84,00 kg 53 52,90 Nordic Championship (NTF) 2018 29-09-2018
Total 150,00 kg 53 52,90 Nordic Championship (NTF) 2018 29-09-2018
Sinclair Points 221,34 53 52,90 Nordic Championship (NTF) 2018 29-09-2018
Created on: 26-07-2024 23:47:40