Vigdís Hind Gísladóttir

Vigdís Hind Gísladóttir

Born: 1999
Club: Hengill
Has set 4 records in the past.



Date Meet Club Place Cat Weight Snatch Clean and Jerk Total Sinclair
16-12-2017 Jólamót LSÍ 2017 HEN 8 69 68,10 45,0 53,0 98,0 122,9
14-10-2017 Haustmót LSÍ 2017 HEN 1 75 70,05 48,0 50,0 98,0 121,1
09-09-2017 Íslandsmeistaramót Unglinga U17 og U20 2017 HEN 1 75 71,50 46,0 55,0 101,0 123,4
17-09-2016 Haustmót 2016 LFG 1 75 70,05 42,0 52,0 94,0 116,1
04-06-2016 Sumarmótið 2016 LFG 2 69 67,60 40,0 47,0 87,0 109,6
20-12-2015 Jólamót 2015 LFG 7 69 66,95 35,0 46,0 81,0 102,6
20-12-2014 Jólamót LSÍ 2014 LFG 2 75 73,15 33,0 40,0 73,0 88,2

Results as graph

Personal Best

Discipline Mark Cat. Weight Meet Date
Snatch 48,00 kg 75 70,05 Haustmót LSÍ 2017 14-10-2017
Clean and Jerk 55,00 kg 75 71,50 Íslandsmeistaramót Unglinga U17 og U20 2017 09-09-2017
Total 101,00 kg 75 71,50 Íslandsmeistaramót Unglinga U17 og U20 2017 09-09-2017
Sinclair Points 123,40 75 71,50 Íslandsmeistaramót Unglinga U17 og U20 2017 09-09-2017
Created on: 27-07-2024 00:27:07