Birna Dís Ólafsdóttir

Birna Dís Ólafsdóttir

Born: 1992
Club: LFH
Has set 37 records in the past.



Date Meet Club Place Cat Weight Snatch Clean and Jerk Total Sinclair
17-12-2016 Jólamót 2016 LFH 2 53 49,35 54,0 72,0 126,0 195,9
06-08-2016 Íslandsmeistaramót Unglinga U17 og U20 2016 LFH 1 53 49,30 53,0 71,0 124,0 193,0
20-12-2015 Jólamót 2015 LFH - 48 47,70 50,0 - - -
17-10-2015 Haustmót 2015 LFH 1 48 46,25 50,0 65,0 115,0 188,3
04-10-2014 Haustmót LSÍ 2014 LFG 1 53 52,00 51,0 67,0 118,0 176,3
05-07-2014 Sumarmót LSÍ 2014 LFG 1 53 49,90 45,0 63,0 108,0 166,5

Results as graph

Personal Best

Discipline Mark Cat. Weight Meet Date
Snatch 54,00 kg 53 49,35 Jólamót 2016 17-12-2016
Clean and Jerk 72,00 kg 53 49,35 Jólamót 2016 17-12-2016
Total 126,00 kg 53 49,35 Jólamót 2016 17-12-2016
Sinclair Points 195,91 53 49,35 Jólamót 2016 17-12-2016
Created on: 27-07-2024 01:00:29